Phone calls in Cocta Rica
Costa Rica has the area code +506
Each phone number has 8 digits, there are no area code
Phone numbers that start with a 2 or 3 are landline connections, the numbers with 8 and 9 are the cell phone networks of ICE-Kölbi, the state telephone company. Movistar's numbers start with 6, Claro's with a 7.
The mobile phone network is comprehensive and well developed; in the Central Valley you have a fast G4 internet connection almost everywhere - G5 is currently under construction.
Making calls within Costa Rica is quite cheap, which is why many hotels (including ours at Posada Nena) offer this service free of charge. To make an international call you have to pre-select the 00 + country code. It is of course better to do this via a free VOIP system such as WhatsApp or Signal.
Costa Rica is a modern country with tradition. If you want to bring your own cell phone from Europe, you have to consider the following: cell phones that work in the GSM 1800 and UMTS 3G 850 networks work immediately with the European SIM card. However, there are high roaming costs.
The much cheaper solution for the traveler is to buy a Costa Rican SIM card with its own telephone number. The cards are cheap and you can reload them anywhere. Purchasing a SIM card in Costa Rica is quite easy. You can buy a SIM card at any ICE, Movistar or Claro office throughout the country, but preferably in San José and the surrounding area, by presenting your passport. The standard card from Kölbi (ICE) - which we recommend because it gives you the best network coverage - costs $6 and comes with a credit of $6. Hotels and posadas (e.g. the Posada Nena in Santa Ana), but also kiosks, pulperias (mini markets) and convenience stores (Vindy, Fresh-Market, AM-PM) sometimes offer prepaid SIM cards. Once your credit has expired, you can simply top it up again at any of these points. However, this is usually not necessary as the basic credit is usually sufficient for a trip due to the low telephone costs. Internet is also automatically included.
Important telephone numbers for embassies and diplomatic missions:
- Germany, 22909091
- Argentina, 22346520
- France, 22344167
- Italy, 22342326
- Switzerland, 22214829
- Chile, 22241547
- Colombia, 22836871
- Venezuela, 22340728
- Panama, 22801570
- Guatemala, 22201297
- Dominican Republic: 22804968
- Mexico: 22570633
- Canada, 22424400
- USA, 25192000
- Nicaragua, 22212957
- Sweden, 22328549
- Portugal, 26221334
- Cuba, 22911604
- Belgium, 22256255
- Spain, 22221933
- China, 22914811
- Brazil, 22956875
- Bolivia, 25243491